Holiday Bells: Play Christmas Songs on the handbells!

This is one of the tap-along Christmas songs included in Holiday Bells.


Willie, take your little drum;
With your whistle, Robin, come!
When we hear the fife and drum,
Tu-re-lu-re-lu, Pat-a-pat-a-pan,
When we hear the fife and drum,
Christmas should be frolicsome.

Thus the men of olden days
Loved the King of kings to praise.
When they hear the fife and drum,
Tu-re-lu-re-lu, Pat-a-pat-a-pan,
When they hear the fife and drum,
Sure our children won’t be dumb.

God and man are now become
More at one than fife and drum.
When you hear the fife and drum,
Tu-re-lu-re-lu, Pat-a-pat-a-pan,
When you hear the fife and drum,
Dance and make the village hum!

Developer's note: This is another song where there are multiple different translations of the original French carol. This site has lots of great background info on the song. This particular version is a translation by by Percy Dearmer. Also, in this song the word "dumb" means "silent", e.g., "Our children won't be silent"... they'll be singing along to the fife and drum.